Mirandus Accountants is an expert accounting and chartered tax advisory practice based in London and Edinburgh. We specialise in meeting the needs of private clients and their businesses.
Mirandus Accountants is an expert accounting and chartered tax advisory practice based in London and Edinburgh. We specialise in meeting the needs of private clients and their businesses.
Estate Planning
Estate planning is just that - it’s all about preparation now to help manage any future tax bills experienced during your lifetime or for your loved ones once you have gone. Estate planning gives you the control and peace of mind that your assets are protected and that you are minimising your inheritance tax liability - and sometimes avoiding payment altogether - because you have taken the time to plan and prepare for the future.
If you have assets, over and beyond your main home, and have other investments in the UK or abroad, whether in property, shares or other investment strategies, then estate planning is something you should consider.
The planning journey starts with an exploratory call to learn more about you and what would like to achieve. Book a complimentary exploratory meeting now with one of our experts.
Inheritance Tax *IHT) can significantly impact what you leave to your loved ones, once you have passed on.
There are various IHT allowances available to you to use during your lifetime and to mitigate the IHT bill left for your loved one. Speaking with us may help you understand how to plan for passing on as much of your estate on death as possible.
To be able to minimise or avoid paying inheritance tax altogether, you need to first understand what your current inheritance tax position is based on all the assets you own, your estate. IHT is currently set at 40% and because the tax free thresholds have been frozen at a low level for some time, more of us are now having to consider inheritance tax planning in our lifetime.
We call IHT a tax of choice. There are ways to reduce or eliminate your potential inheritance tax bill altogether in your lifetime as well make a plan for after you die.
The planning journey starts with an exploratory call to learn more about you and what would like to achieve. Book a complimentary exploratory meeting now with one of our experts.
Trusts and Inheritance
A Trust is a similar to a will but gives protection and control over a specific asset such as money, investments, land, or property. There are lots of types of trusts that may suit your needs.
There are also opportunities for inheritance tax efficiencies when setting up trusts, as well as protecting assets for vulnerable loved ones, as well having a say on who inherits your estate and when.
We can help advice on the right trust for you and help set up one up for you. You can set up a trust at any time, or indeed write one into your will.
The tax laws surrounding trusts are complex, especially concerning inheritance tax, and if not set-up correctly, could incur unnecessary tax charges. We can help advise if a trust structure is a suitable solution for you, or if better alternatives are available.